19 OCTOBER 1991, page 37
Moveable Feast
Andrew Graham-Yooll COLLECTED STORIES by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Cape, £14.99, pp.292 l ie complete institutionalisation of an author arrives with the collection of his stories.......
Message To A Mad Deus
Fiona Maddocks MOZART AND THE WOLF GANG by Anthony Burgess Hutchinson, £12.99, pp.148 h e venue is heaven. 'Shalom, gentle- men, you've just arrived?', says Mendelssohn, playing......
Puritanical Glimpse Of A Sensationalist
Andro Linklater THE KING OF INVENTORS: A LIFE OF WILKIE COLLINS by Catherine Peters Secker & Warburg £20, pp. 498 I n the great canon of English literature, Augustus Egg is not......