19 SEPTEMBER 1885, page 1

Upon Ireland Mr. Gladstone Rises To His Highest Level. He

earnestly entreats the electors to lay aside passion, and to forget "premature and prejudicial words which may have been spoken in the acutest stage of a long and bitter......

Notice To Advertisers.

It ie our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPECTATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The Twelfth of......

Finally, Mr. Gladstone Declares That He Prefers The...

freedom and corporate efficiency" of the Liberal Party to the "high regimental discipline which sends the two minorities" —the Tories and Parnellites—" each in a well-fused......

Upon Disestablishment Mr. Gladstone Will Give A Shock To...

friends of the Church. He evidently regards that great change as possible, for he observes that "a current throughout the civilised world slowly sets in this direction," and......

News Of The Week.

M R. GLADSTONE'S "Manifesto," or Address to the electors of Midlothian, appeared in the evening papers of Friday. It is long, perhaps too long ; but Mr. Gladstone fiad, much to......

As Regards The Land, Mr. Gladstone Desires To Preserve...

dom of bequest, and freedom of possession "—the last words may refer either to expropriation or tenant-right, or both—but he also desires to "deal freely with the transfer of......

That Is In Domestic Affairs. On Foreign Politics The...

will be more divided, though the division will not be felt at the polls. With a frankness most unusual in a statesman of such rank, Mr. Gladstone acknowledges serious errors of......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
