The Gallup Enquiries Are Often Very Instructive In Their...
but they can on occasion be rather deplorably mis- conceived. Is there really any sense, for example, in asking the average man whether he is satisfied or dissatisfied with the......
A Foreign Member Of The Pioneer Corps With Whom I
have been talking—an able economic journalist engaged on the dullest of routine manual work—has made one suggestion (among many others) which is worth passing on. The men of his......
Two Requests About Panzer Reach Me From Different Quart One
is to say what it means ; the other is to get the t dropped in favour of good plain English. Well, Panzer In armour, and since the German armoured divisions have been more......
A Spectator's Notebook
I HOPE some thought is being given by the Prime Minister 1 and Mr. Eden to the handling of the German peace-offer, whose imminence is so persistently rumoured. When Hitler has......
No Census Of London Shelter-inmates Has Been Taken Recen So
far as I know, but the number of people sleeping in pub , shelters is surprisingly high, in view of the fact that Load has had no raids for something like two months. The curt......
The Factories Set The Date
a telegram circulated to tank-factories last Monday, Lord Beaverbrook told the workers that from now the tank-factories of this country must supply the armies Russia as well as......