Shelley's 'mourners
Sia,—It was not under the Pyramid of Cahn Cestius that Mr. Nicolson's ancestor, Sir George Cockburn, saw Shelley's ashes interred, for it was not until two months later that......
Church And Chapel Sir, —the Article By The Master Of The
Temple which appeared in a recent issue of The Spectator, in which he described the plight of the village church and made such a noble plea on its behalf, particularly......
Sta,—by Ironic Coincidence, Several Letters On Liberalism...
issue of September 12th, the very day when the result of the Edge Hill by-election was published in the daily newspapers. The Liberal poll of less than 5 per cent, of the votes......
The Control Of Laundries
SIR, —If the Secretary of the Institution of British Laundries, Ltd., really thinks that I wrote to The Spectator without even taking the trouble to make full enquiries he will......
What Edge Hill . Means
SIR.—In their chagrin at failing to win Edge Hill, Conservatives are finding not a crumb, but a whole loaf, of comfort in the poor Liberal poll. In this Conservatives are......
Lessons Of Grimethorpe
Sta,—I fed bound to express my regret at the one-sided summary of the Grimethorpe strike in your last issue. If your readers have ever worked hours on end, bending or kneeling......