1 APRIL 1854, page 12

London Streets Were Shaken Last Night By The Frequent And

headlong course of fire-en g ines ; no fewer than six fires happening within five home. The grand conflagration was that which destroyed the dancing and exhibition- hall at......

Files Of Jamaica Papers Have Reached Us This Morning, Per

Solent, with advices to the 7th March. The "bill for the better government of the island, and raising a revenue in support thereof," passed through the Howe of Assembly on the......

Co Chaim.

The story of the jealous husband, who disposes of his rival by cement- ing the door of a closet in which he is concealed, is worked up with g reat power in a short drama......

The Monthly Accounts Relating To Trade And Navigation...

state the declared value of the exports for the month ending March 5th at 7,502,912L; being an increase of 1,230,2631. over the corresponding month of last year. Upon two months......

At A Meeting Of The Convoqation Of Oxford University, Held

yesterday, the Hebdomadal Board submitted a petition to Parliament, strongly ob- jecting to the Government Bill for the reform of the University, and praying for enabling......

From Paris, Under Date Of This Morning, Comes This Despatch.

"A telegraphic message from Toulon of the 31st states that the troops were embarking, and that the squadron was on the eve of sailing. The wind was North-west, and the weather......

Money Market,

STOCK EXCHAKOE, FRIDAY AYTERKOON. Since the arrival of the messenger from St. Petersburg with the Emperor's reply, the public have been prepared for an immediate declaration of......

Progrf.ss Of Parliamentary Business During The Week...

House of Commons. LEGISLATIVE DEFARTMEBT. Ministerial. . The week is blank as re g ards the introduction of any Ministerial Bill. Three Bills were read a second time. The......