"the Drought In New Zealand." (to The Ed/tor Of The
. 4 SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As a practical commentary upon the extract given in your issue of this day from the Birmingham Daily Post upon an alleged drought in New Zealand, I send......
[to The Editor Of The"spectator."]
Sin,—You are evidently entitled to ask Mr. MacColl to explain his mysterious allusion to the "poisoning of the wells," with which le charges Mr. Blomfield in your last week's......
Letters To The Editor.
JUSTICE MT NAPLES. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—The trial of Carmine Paisano for the murder of Mr. Hind at Naples has been from time to time the subject of com- ment......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sin,—as A Large Squatter
and resident in New Zealand from 1851 to 1866, I beg to say that, from the formation of New Zealand, a. draught is almost impossible ; and to show you that there is no truth in......
THE LIFE OF LORD MACAULAY.* • The Life and Lettere of Lord Macaulay. By his Nephew, George Otto Trove!- yin, M.P. 2 vols. London : Longman.. [FIRST NOTICE.] Mn. TREVELYAN has......
The Burtals Bill
[TO Tam EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR:1 MacColl accuses Mr. Blomfield of "well-poisoning," -and adds, "The parish priest has just as much power to refuse Christian burial to the......