In Memoriam: Thomas Hill Green.
WE, who from thee, strong, patient spirit, drew Courage to bear and wit to understand Our several life-tasks, trusted that the hand Of Death would spare thee for the work we......
THE PAINTER-ETCHERS.* TnE present exhibition is one which will be disappointing to many, if only because of the small size and number of the examples shown. When examined......
Mr. Belcher's Edition Of The Second Book Of Livy.
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Your issue of the 11th inst. contains a notice of my edition of "Lim II.," which I read more than a week after date. There are certain......
IN MEMORIAM: HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. A WORLDLING read the current telegrams, And discontented, cried, "No news to-night I" Nothing to stimulate his Isle of Shams, Or whet a......