Two Somerset Superstitions.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR,—I have been interested to read in your columns of " Rabbits " as a lucky ejaculation. Sailors take a very opposite view. Many years......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—the Mention In A
letter in last week's Spectator of "Rabbit the fellow" and "Rabbit me," as forms of impre- cation used in Fielding's and Scott's works reminds me that in quite recent times......
[to The Editor Or The '•srscm.rort.'1 Srn, — I Have Just...
your article in the Spectator of July 25th on " A Motto for London." How would this do ?- "Love the Brotherhood, Fear God, Honour the King." But perhaps it has been mentioned......
[to Trh Edrfor Of Tee "spectator.")
SIR,—In reading your review of Messrs. Frank Bullen and W. F. Arnold's book of sea chanties in a recent issue, I notice that, speaking of the songs that sailors s'ng, you say......
A Motto For London.
[To THE EDITOR OF TH1 "SPECTATOE."] SIR,—Much that is excellent has been written in your columns on the subject of " A Motto for London." If, as many think, it should be a short......
[to The Editor Of Th1 "spectatoe."] Sir, — Your Habit Of...
thinking led you last week to an exhaustive definition of the conditions which should obtain in the choice of a motto for London. These are that such a motto should be at once......
The Problem Of The Bees.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Having regard to the seriousness of the Bee question, if disease among them continues to spread, and noticing how very fond are our......
[to The Editor Of The " Sfectator."1 Sir,—among All The
suggestions I have seen for London's motto the most obvious has been omitted : " No Mean City." St. Paul's words are specially appropriate when we think of the legend connecting......