1 DECEMBER 1906, page 33

Priscilla Bright Mclaren. Go Tax Editor Of Thr...

insert in your issue of November 24th a letter from Mr. Tallack referring in contemptuous terms to John Bright's sisters. The time is opportune. The grave has only this month......


[To Tilt EDITOR OF TOR " $psenToR."1 snt,—Mr. Ward Muir's pathetic verse under the above title in last week's Spectator recalls, especially by its last two lines, an inscription......

A Deadhead.

[To TAR rams or Tax "SPECTATOR'] SIB,—Mr. Lloyd-George is reported to have described the House of lords the other day as an assemblage of "dead- heads." The word I know, and I......

[to Thm Edttor Of Phi "arse/arent:1 Sin.,—as A Constant...

of the Spectator, I note a letter describing an interview with John Bright. So closely follow- ing the death of his dearly loved sister, Priscilla McLaren, it seems......

The Colenso Nonsense Rhymes. [to The Editor Of The...

"A Bishop there was of Natal, Who had a Zulu for a pal ; Said the Zulu: 'Look here, Sure this Pentateuch's queer.' Which converted my Lord of Natal." There was another rhyme......