1 DECEMBER 1967, page 27

Main Stream

Sir: William Bucban's review of my novel, Queen Victoria's. Bomb (24 November), is so generous that I feel I must answer his query about Professor Huxtable's immunity to......

Rough Weather

Sir: I really do feel sorry for Leslie Adrian (20 October) in his plight regarding Fahrenheit and Celsius. But, really, he is going about it all wrongly. He should not—not—try......

Public Spending

Sir: The calm news announced last Friday that the Government is being asked to recommend pay increases of up to 7 per cent for senior local government officers already earning......

D Night

Sir: By leaning over backwards to avoid partiality, Donald McLachlan (24 November) has succeeded in being unfair to the paper he ‘once edited. He says that on Devaluation......

Pouring Oil On Placid Waters

Sir: I am glad that Mr Hepper (Letters, 24 Novem- ber) remembers my suggestion, many years ago, that the opportunity to vote against all candidates at an election would be......

Mr. Wilson And The Lords

Sir: Possibly my writing was faulty, for the quota- tion from Sir Michael Foster (Letters, 24 Novem- ber) should have referred to an indefeasible right, not an indefensible one.......

Sir: I Have Never Been Able To See Much Point

in providing a space on a ballot paper for disapproval of all the candidates, for we already can, and some- times do, express the same thing by writing a disapproving word......

Night Strangers

AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS Rio de Janeiro.—Ever since Barry Humphries, the Australian wit, became obsessed with the song 'Strangers in the Night," suggest- ing at one point that he......