Sir Stafford Northcote's Increase On The Tobacco Duty...
to have been a success. Three-fourths of all the tobacco used in the United Kingdom is consumed by the poor, who purchase in half-ounces, and as the extra tax cannot be divided......
The Government Does Not Intend To Allow Cremation To Be
practised in England without a discussion in Parliament, in which, apparently, the Home Secretary will take the adverse view. The people of Woking are furious because a Company......
Mr. Sidney Buxton, In One Of His Amusing Papers On
animals in the Animal World for February, says that dogs and horses are, as far as he knows, the only animals sensitive to- ridicule, while cats and birds are wholly unaware......
The Liberal Two Hundred Of Southwark Are Doing Their Best
to discredit the Caucus system. They have asked intending candidates for the borough to deliver trial sermons before them, and though Mr. Brodrick indignantly declined, four......
The Struggle Between The Labourers In Kent And The Farmers
who locked them out has ended in the men's departure for New Zealand. The men, it will be remembered, struck against a - reduction of work, and were then locked out till they......
It Is Extremely Difficult To Make Out The Facts As
to the progress of the "Black Death" in Russia. The Government, though evidently alarmed, and willing to take the most desperate steps, even to the burning of infected villages,......
The Trial Of The Glasgow Bank Directors Will Probably End
this week, but too late for our impression, and we can therefore only record that the Lord-Advocate has withdrawn the charges of theft and embezzlement. It was necessary, the......