1 FEBRUARY 1902, page 15
It0 Trz Editor Of 'pill "spectator."] Srn,—the Article On "
Euthanasia " in your issue of January 25th vividly recalls to me an article which appeared in your columns in February, 1873, entitled " Mr. Tollemache on the Right to Die."......
[TO TEE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.1 Sat,—In the Spectator of January 25th under this heading you say " It is reported in the telegrams from the Continent that a Deputy in the......
Aubrey De Verb.
[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR."1 Sts,—Having had the privilege of Mr. Aubrey de Vere's friendship for many years, I hope I may be allowed to describe without too large an......