The Spout, Gratton, Bakewell, Derbyshire......
Apt Anagrams
Sir: Regarding the identity of Alastair Forbes, perhaps D.P. Dick (Letters, 11 Jan- uary) is on to something. The proven tech- nique of anagram analysis reveals that while......
Tall Stories From Japan
Sir: Not long ago you published a story by a woman who claimed to have been the vic- tim of a rape attempt by a geisha in Japan (`Girls will be boys', 17 September 1994). Now......
Unclaimed Treasure
Sir: I like The Spectator and usually like Petronella Wyatt. However, I bridled a lit- tle when I read the item in her Diary (25 January) about the von Trapp daughters, five of......
Sir: Being Japanese, I Now Know What Duties My Son's
godfather, Francis Pike, expects of me, even if I no longer know what to expect of him. Kimiko Barber 11 Chepstow Villas, London W11......
The War Goes On
Sir: For Lindsey Platt to accuse me of `descending to personal abuse' (Letters, 11 January) is pretty rich, considering that his very first letter accused me of being informed......
Mass Missed
Sir: I am shocked and saddened that this is Mass's final crossword in your paper. Mass is my favourite of all crossword setters; I am always assured of several hours of plea-......
In Praise Of Ted
Sir: I was sad to read Paul Johnson's per- sonal attack on Ted Heath (And another thing, 25 January). Ted Heath may be cur- mudgeonly, but he is also a loyal, kind and patriotic......
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