We Have Before Us The Fifth Edition Of A Latin-english
Dictionary, by the Rev. John T. White, D.D., and the Rev. J. E. Riddle. (Long- mans.)—This is the fullest form of the dictionary. and is indeed a very complete work. We have......
Lola: A Tale Of The Rock. By Arthur Griffiths. 3
vole. (Smith and Elder.)—This novel is clever and entertaining in no common degree. The "Rock," it will be understood, is Gibraltar ; and Lola is a beauty of that place,......
Diary And Correspondence Of Samuel Pepys. Deciphered,...
by the Rev. Mynors Bright. Vol. II. (Bickers & Son.) —This second volume of tho now edition proves quite convincingly that the book was wanted. A list of additions is given, and......
Llanthony Cocklewig. By The Rev. S. S. Maguth. 3 Vole.
(Samuel Tinsley.)—We can see nothing good about this book, except that a particularly silly title suits very well particularly silly contents. The name of " Cocklewig " is......
The Shipowner's Daughter. By John Saunders. 3 Vols....
title tells the story of the book. An unprincipled ship- owner has a lovely daughter, whose beauty and goodness interpose to mitigate, if not to avert, the punishment which his......
Under The Gridiron. By M. Davenport. (tinsley...
" seems to be the slang for the American flag. Mr. Daven- port's book has no literary pretensions, but it is really likely to be useful as a plain practical guide to travellers,......
Country Life In Syria. By Harriet Rattray. (seeley.)—this...
most amusing book, taking the illusion off Eastern life in the most un- compromising way. It consists of letters written at intervals during a period of ten years, and but for......
The Dramatic Works Of Moliere. Rendered Into English By...
Van Lean. Vol. 4. (Patterson, Edinburgh.)—This volume contains six works, the chief of which are " Tartuffe," "George Dandin," and "Amphitryon." Two short pieces, entitled "......
Sights And Insights. By Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. 3
vols. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This is little more than an account of a tour made through portions of Europe by an American party, though the author makes some efforts, which we......
A Treatise On Gout And Rheumatic Gout. By A. B.
Garrod, M.D., F.R.S. (Longman, Green, and Co.)—The first edition of Dr. Garrod's valuable work on Gout and Rheumatic Gout (or" Rheuinatoid Arthritis," as the latter disease is......
Memoir Of The Rev. John Macfarlane, Ll.d. By William Graham.
(Oliphant, Edinburgh.)—Mr. Graham does not seem to understand that the first duty of a biographer is to efface himself. He displays an ornate and rhetorical style, not guided by......