1 MARCH 1879, page 2

Mr. Monk, M.p. For Gloucester, Though A Supporter Of Mr.

Osborne Morgan's Burials Bill, moved, on Wednesday, the second reading of an ad interim Bill of his own, providing for adding a slip of unconsecrated ground to existing......

The Contest For The Haddington Burghs Resulted In The Return

of the Liberal candidate, Sir David Wedderburn, and the defeat of the Solicitor-General for Scotland, but the victory was not so great as that obtained in the last contest. Sir......

Prince Louis Napoleon,—who, By A Courtesy Which Is Hardly...

to France, is still called the "Prince Imperial" in the English journals,—has determined to go with the Artillery force which is to be sent to South Africa, and to share "the......

The Fate Of Shere All Is Still Uncertain. The Correspondent

of the New York Herald telegraphs a report from a Russian surgeon who visited the Ameer at Maziri-Shelif that he has gangrene of the thigh, and his death is certain ; but this......

The Bulgarian Deputies Have Met At Tirnova, Have...

into a Constituent Assembly, with the Exarch or Chief Bishop as Speaker, and have begun to study the draft Constitution. This is, in its way, a very remarkable document, an......

The Duke Of Richmond And Gordon Introduced On Tuesday A

new Medical Bill, for compelling all practitioners of medicine in the United Kingdom to pass a common examination, which would be determined on common principles in England,......

Sir Stafford Northcote Is Beginning To Present His Little...

On Thursday night he moved a vote of credit for 21,500,000, as a first demand for the Zulu war, and proposed to raise the money by Exchequer bonds. He expected, he added, that......

The Irish Members, Though Not Always The Most Temperate Of

critics, are very sensitive to criticism. The Times of Tues- day happened to say that in the debates on the Rules of Procedure, the Irish Home-rulers watched with "malign.......

President Grevy, In Announcing His Accession To Office To...

King of Portugal,—and also, we presume, to other Powers, —says, "I know that to respond to the confidence of my fellow-citizens, as well as to my own aspirations, I must make......