Methuselah And Mr. Shaw.
R ACK TO METHUSELAH, like Man and Superman, is a dramatic parable of creative evolution. In presenting his earlier parable, Mr. Shaw now confesses that he was guilty of certain......
ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD BY EVELYN WRENCH. T HEWinnipeg Free Press publishes a leading article on the subject of the powers of the Imperial Con- ference. Taking. as its theme the......
However Much Some Of The Readers Of The Spectator May
disagree with Mr. Thomas's views on economic problems they will surely support his opinion that the English-speaking peoples are determined to apply their ideals and common......
It Is My Lot To Attend Many Public Dinners In
con- nexion with my work, and I have a lively sympathy with those who cordially dislike functions of this kind. If all public gatherings were as pleasant as the large ban- quet......
On Several Occasions I Have Referred In These Notes To
the determination of the American people yet further to limit the number of immigrants permitted to land in their country each year. The present law permits some 350,000......