SEEING how enjoyable and fresh are the greater number of these new short stories by Mr. Rhys Davies, it is perhaps ungracious to begin by saying that too many short stories are......
Finance And Investment
t US']0=, MR. DALTON'S injunction, in .his last Budget speech, that Company profits should be conserved and not distributed in increased divi- dends is evoking little response.......
The Reader Of This Book Rapidly Becomes Puzzled About The
identity of its author. Though it is said to have been translated from a French text, M. Dorgot has a curious habit of using German expressions as to the manner born. Moreover,......
Shorter Notices
Trois Contes. By Saint Romain Arnaud [Aragon]. (Hachette. 3s.) IN this small paper-covered edition—One of the " Cahiers du Silence," the "classics," as the publisher calls them,......