Terror's Grim Reality
From Mr David Todd Sir: I agree with Mark Steyn's view (Death wish', 22 February) that there appears to be an Islamic involvement in most current conflicts and attacks. While we......
Tank Think
From Mr Kevin Dobson Sir: Michael Vestey (Arts, 22 February) suggests that the government was right to station tanks at airports, and that this was not a 'stunt'. He feels that......
A Dangerous Diversion
From Mr Ian Wylie Sir: By comparing Tony Blair with his distinguished predecessors, Paul Johnson (And another thing, 22 February) exhibits a confusion of thought about the......
Disgruntled Of Durban
From Mr Jonathan Caldow Sir: Michael Henderson's slanted and cynical article (Sport, 15 February) on the opening match of the cricket World Cup cannot go unchallenged. Lara's......
Giant-killing Midgets
From Mr Peter Jay Sir: I am one of the many conservatives (with a small 'c') who believe that the present lamentable state of the Tory party is the result of, and a judgment on,......
Slight, Unmeritable Men. . .
From Mrs Julia Mount Sir: 'All gong and no dinner'? Rachel Johnson CA land unfit for heroes', 22 February) may not have heard of a quarter of the present OMs, but a list of past......
Favourite Withdrawn
From Mr Paul Evans Sir: I suspect that I will be one of many mourning the departure of Robin Oakley's 'The turf' column; he will be sorely missed. His stint in Spectator silks......