The Maharaja Dhuleep Singh Recently Quarrelled With The...
about his allowances, and resolved for the future to reside in India. He broke up his establishment at Elvaston Hall, Suffolk, ordered the splendid furniture to be sold, and......
Another Town In Galicia, Lisko, Has Been Burnt Down, And
three large villages, one almost a town, have shared the same fate. It is no longer doubted that incendiarism is at work, and the fires aro attributed to the peasants, who all......
We Omitted Last Week, By A Strange Oversight, To Record
the result of the Bradford election. Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, a convinced Home-ruler, was returned by a majority of 780, less, it is reported, than the total of Irish votes. Mr. J. A.......
Sixteen Liberal Peers And Twenty-eight Members Of The...
in the House of Commons, are stated to have already joined the Liberal Committee for maintaining the Legis- lative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. The list, how- ever,......
A Correspondent Of The Times, Writing From Liege, Draws An
alarming picture of the condition of the district. He evidently believes a social " catastrophe " to be inevitable. The mines are getting exhausted ; the coal comes up from......
Mr. Courtney's Speech At Liskeard On Thursday Was So Able,
that we have called special attention to it in another column. Here we will only add that though he carried a certain number of his constituents with him, and was told by the......
Mr. Jefferson Davis, Once President Of The Southern...
now seventy-eight years old, is making a kind of memorial tour through the South, delivering speeches in which he glorifies secession, but advises Southerners to accept the......
Lord Iddesleigh Made A Speech Atplymouth On Thursday...
in one way noteworthy. He evidently dreads the action of the labourers, but he perceives, like Mr. Llewelyn Davies, that if they vote for Home rule, it will be from a feeling of......
The Times' Correspondent In Madrid, Who Has Lately Been...
accurate, states that the ill-feeling towards the priesthood is growing intense. The lower clergy in the cities of Spain have of late been greatly demoralised, or rather have......