1 MAY 1897, page 16
SCIENTIFIC KITE.FLYING. [To THE EDITOR Or viii " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—.As I may fairly claim to have been the first to rescue the kite from the playground, to which it had been......
Mr. Disraeli's First Speech. [to Tile Edit011 Of Tics "
firscrAroe.."] SIR,—If your correspondent, "M. J. G.," in the Spectator of April 24th, had consulted authentic documents instead of trusting to his own imagination, he would......
Letters To The Editor.
MONEYLENDERS,—A SUGGESTION. [To THE EDITOE OF THE "SPECTATOR.] SIE,—As the question of legislation in regard to money- lenders is being discussed in your columns, may I be......