The Howl Of Anguish From The Popular Papers About Sir
David Eccles's remarks in Hanover shows as little sense of proportion as Sir David has of tact. It was foolish of him to hang out our dirty linen in public, abroad; but he made......
The Birthday Tributes To Sir Thomas Beecham (eighty Last...
do right to bring out the richness and diversity of the man, since that is one secret of his greatness as a conductor. But some of the press is offering a poor ha'porth of......
A Spectator's Notebook
IN SAKI'S PORTRAIT GALLERY Of odious aunts there is one whose habit it was, whenever a child was naughty, `to impro- vise something of a festival nature from which the offen-......
Edith Haithwaite Was Sent To Rampton Mental Hospital...
war. For years she worked all day on the sock-making machine (for I Is. a week); and cleaned and swept up the place at night after the patients were in bed. Two years ago the......
`the Press Council,' Sir Linton Andrews Says, 'has Rebuked A
number of papers.' Satan, I under- stand, is similarly in the habit of rebuking sin. So long as the Press Council is composed largely of the nominees of the men whose activities......
There Are Very Few Writers In Journalism Today With What
I would call 'style' if the word had not some depressing meanings which cannot be asso- ciated with Strix. He was my immediate pre- decessor in 'A Spectator's Notebook' and,......
Printing Dispute
THE current dispute between printing trade unions and the Master Printers has led to a limitation of overtime working. Some readers may find that, during thiS dispute, copies of......