1 MAY 1971, page 5

Flimsy-flamsy Yap-yaps

Powell himself is sticking firmly to his self- imposed task of establishing a secure domin- ance in the House of Commons. His work in the committee stages of the Immigration......

The Jeopardy Of False Principle

If the Prime Minister should press on with the application regardless, and endeavour to force through Parliament before the summer recess some kind of Declaration of Intent,......

Election Commitments

Mr Heath himself has been less dishonest over the Common Market than public ser- vants like Christopher Soames, our ambassa- dor in Paris, whose declarations to the French on......

Never Apologise, Only Explain

am sometimes rebuked by friends and readers for harping on too much about the Common Market. I do not apologise. British policy towards Europe was disastrous be- tween 1911 and......

Junior Chaps

And a few minutes later, prodded that he had said on television that `no government would take the country into the Common Market against the will of the people', Mr Heath......

The Spectator's Notebook

Catch phrases are peculiar things. Comedians like them and try hard to invent character- istic ones for themselves. Some catch on. Most don't. Occasionally there is a phrase......

Let's Dish The French

The more people say 'It's not on' the likelier it becomes that it won't be on. Political speculation in high and low circles as to the people who will tell Mr Heath that 'it's......