Exploiting Children
Sir: Auberon Waugh's article in the Spec- tator (17 April) about John Pilger's pur- chase of a child in Thailand glosses over an international problem of enormous seriousness:......
Sir: The wholly admirable reactions of the British public to the Argentinian insolence remind me of a reported conversation bet- ween a British general and one of his Ger- man......
Faux Pas
Sir: It is to be hoped that French False Friends, admirably reviewed by Arthur Marshall (24 April), warns ladies against the pitfall of asking in France for a brassiere. This......
Hitler And Nietzsche
Sir: It is often assumed that there is a con- tinuum between the philosophy of Nietz- sche and the 'philosophy' of Hitler, and A. L. Rowse embraces this assumption when he......
To Jew Or Not To Jew
Sir: I was reading Anthony Blond's article in last week's issue 'On being a British Jew' with interest and enjoyment until I came to the misstatement of fact about the Oxford E......
Heroes of Thailand Sir: As a one-time resident of Thailand , husband of a Thai and general Thai-phile 1 much enjoyed Richard West's vignette on Thailand's 200 years of Chakri......
Lack Of Insight?
Sir: I was at the meeting organised by Black Insight which Roy Kerridge writes about in his article 'Jolly Boateng weather' (17 April). It seems to be curious that when the......