The Working-class Demonstrations In Favour Of The French...
not hitherto been very effective. The meeting at St. James's Hall on Saturday night was addressed by Professor Mealy, Mr. Bradlaugh, Colonel Dickson, and other gentlemen of......
We Do Not Profess To Have Any Clear View Of
the amount of national spirit for the war now existing in France. The Daily News reports with an air of absolute knowledge that there is little or none, and that the whole......
News Of The Week.
T HE negotiations between the French and North-German Governments were definitively broken off as long ago as Wed- nesday week, though the result was not positively known in......
• ,,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In
any case.......
Toul Capitulated Yesterday Week, And Strasburg On...
after heroic defences. Toul was said to be on fire in twenty-three different places before it surrendered, and in Strasburg a breach was made, and the city might have been......
Of Paris We Have Heard Nothing Trustworthy During The Last
week. The Daily News published on Wednesday a very amus- ing letter from a Paris resident, but this was wholly written on the first day of the investment and the day before it......