1 OCTOBER 1887, page 1

Upon The Two Secondary Irish Questions, The Agrarian...

and obstruction, Mr. Chamberlain was both hopeful and resolved. He was still bitterly opposed to casting any respon- sibility for the purchase of Ireland upon English or Scotch......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the "SyscriToz" of Saturday, October 8th, will be issued gratis a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. Advertisements......

Mr. Chamberlain On Thursday Delivered A Speech To His Con-

stituents of West Birmingham, important mainly for his earnest reiteration of his Unionist sympathies. He commenced by denying the foolish report that he had accepted a mission......

Lord Randolph Churchill Made A Vigorous Speech At Whitby On

Friday week, upon the leading idea of which, that the first really democratic Parliament had shown itself determined to uphold law, we have commented elsewhere. He maintained......

We Have Commented On This Occurrence Sufficiently...

add here that the French are in a white rage about it, and that the action of the German Government is still uncertain. The Foreign Office at Berlin is quite ready to apologise......

4 .* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


News Of The Week.

A NOTHER most dangerous incident has occurred near Rao in the Vosges, upon the Franco- Gertnan frontier. According to French accounts, a local banker took a party of friends out......