1 OCTOBER 1927, page 1

We Might Find Ourselves Committed By A Vote Of The

Assembly to go to war, for instance, with the United States, even though we thought that some Latin Republic of the New World which had secured the sympathy of the League was......

News Of The Week

/THE Eighth Session of the Assembly of the League ended on Tuesday. There are now two distinct camps of opinion in the League—the camp of those who believe, or pretend, that the......

His Speech, So Far From Doing The League Any Injury,

has cleared the air and performed the invaluable function of helping all to understand exactly where they stand and what they can and cannot do in the immediate future. Last......

Although We Cannot Admit That The Charges Have Been Proved,

we see nothing but good in the courage and inde- pendence of the smaller Powers. It would be fatal to the League if the .Assembly- were ruled-by a few-dominating - •......


But this is not to say that we must not make good every inch of ground as quickly as possible when it has been won. There must be no halt in the steady advance. It is......

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 13 York Street, Covent...

London, W.C. 2.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage,- to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The......