Pictures And Artist's.
PICTORIAL PERIODICALS. • MR. MAJOR, to whom we are indebted, amongst other pictorial adis,, tions to the library, for the best cabinet edition of the works or HOGASTH, has......
Literary Fraud Detected.
A REVIEW exercises a kind of literary police. The Foreign- Quarterly Review, just published, has before it, as the newspapers say, "a singular case of fraud." A soi-disant......
Lectures 0/f The Steam-engine.
DR. LARDNER'S work on the Steam-Engine is the most compen- dious and generally useful work on this great power. The bulky and voluminous writings on this subject, by able......
T H E Ststiles Is An Able Exposure Of The Evils Of
Slavery,. as it exists in one West India Islands. The doctrines are those- of the decided Abo- litionist. It is curious to see to how many useful and important objects the......