1 SEPTEMBER 1923, page 22
The Drama Of Shin Fein. By Shaw Desmond. (w. Collins,
Sons and Co. 17s. 6d. net.) Mr. Shaw Desmond takes a mystical view of Ireland, which just because it is elusive can hardly commend itself to practical persons. He writes as......
Finance-public & Private.
[BY OUR CITY EDITOR.] REPARATIONS AND DEBT ENTANGLEMENTS. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It is, of course, beyond my province to discuss the political aspects of the......
My Adventures In Bolshevik Russia. By Odette Keun. (john...
58.) The experiences of Mlle. Kenn were of the kind to which we have become accustomed since the " Red " bogy bared his teeth at us from the docile columns of startled......