1 SEPTEMBER 1961, page 15

Proscription By Prescription

SIR,-1 see that one of our MPs is continuing his campaign to name doctors who are fined by Health Executives, but I wonder if he would name doctors who are fined for......

Malcolm Lowry

Sue,—Frank Tuohy's introduction to this greatly gifted writer is as penetrating as might have been expected; but it contains some errors of fact, which should perhaps be......

The Unmarried Mother Brenda Leys Proscription By...

The Lucrative Mystery Eric Goldschrnidt Gagarin—Si! Laurens Otter Malcolm Lowry John Davenport The Dollar Princesses Lord Esher Hire Cars Philip Binham The Bootleggers Garin......

The Lucrative Mystery

SIR,—When investigating the early days on inde- pendent television, Peter Forster found a ripe collec- tion of ironies. 'The Lucrative Mystery' listed among the curious......


SIR,—May I point out that in the years before the Stalinists jumped on the unilateralist bandwagon, they voted for Gaitskell's multilateralism. Does Mr. Clarke know of any......