For The Continent, The Tinas Still Embodies The English...
and in the Times of the 8th inst. Lord Derby, in his celebrated defence, is said to have stated that "Austria, with an army which could not be trusted to fight against the......
The Death Of " Boss " Tweed, The Vulgar But
astute man who so long governed and plundered New York, is announced this week. He had fled to Cuba, but the Government gave him up, and he died in custody under an order to......
The Oxford University Liberals Have Decided On Bringing...
Savilian Professor of Geometry, Professor H. J. S. Smith, as their candidate, on the next vacancy,—i.e., whenever Mr. Hardy becomes Lord Staplehurst. No abler and more......
Mr. Waddy, Qc., And Now M.p. For Barnstaple, Is Chosen
as Mr. MandeHa's colleague to fight Sheffield in the Liberal interest at the next election ; and on Thursday night, both Mr. Waddy and Mr. Mundella spoke to a crowded......
The Bishop Of Gloucester And Bristol Has Withdrawn His...
from the Rev. A. H. Ward—the chaplain of St. Raphael's, Bristol,—a church primarily intended for sailors, marines, emi- grants, and others connected with the seafaring life,—who......
The Bishop Of Salisbury, In A Somewhat Similar Case, Has
seen his way to veto proceedings against the Rev. Horace Edward Chapman, Rector of Donhead St. Andrew, notwithstanding the ad- mitted fact that in certain cases candles are......
We Regret Deeply To See Statements That Gold Has Been
dis- covered in Wynaad, the best coffee-producing district of South. India, and is being worked by the "Alpha Mining Company.' The world does not need more gold, and the......