20 APRIL 1929, page 18

Points From Letters

CADDIES AND THEIR PAY. We are all agreed that for boys the post of a caddie is a blind alley occupation so far as his future prospects are con- cerned. Many caddies, however,......

Training The Slum Child

Your correspondent in the Spectator of April 6, who signs " W. M.," suggests some excellent plans for giving slum children an opportunity to become as he says " self-support-......

Opportunities In Jugoslavia

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] was very glad indeed to read Mr. Hall Caine's letter in your impression of March 30th, and I cordially endorse the views to which he gave......

The Amsterdam Exhibition.

On the occasion of a Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce the " Netherland Economic History Archives '' are organizing an international exhibition, to be held at......


Sonnet ONLY the fool will call a spade a spade, And say that black is black, and white is white, And draw a heavy line 'twixt sun and shade, 'Twist sound and silence, sorrow and......

Church Of Scotland Manse Fellowship.

We wish a prosperous career to the Fellowship which is being formed to bring together the Manse families of Scotland—the ministers, their wives and their families " in a spirit......

The Arms Of Cornwall.

The arms, not of Cornwall, but of Penzance, a head on a cl arger, with date, 1614, has probably some connexion with e name of the town which in Cornish means the " Holy......

Annual Memorial Service Of The 29th Division (galixpoli...

Will you, in your courtesy and kindness, allow me, as in former years, to remind your readers that the Annual Memorial Service of the 29th Division (Gallipoli, 1915-16), will......

Well Water In Villages.

I notice in the Spectator mention of any probable ill-effects to consumers of water from wells situated near a place of burial. In this village there is a well in the churchyard......

Ethics And Christianity.

The quotation from Blake about ethics and Christianity finds an echo in Browning's striking saying that the worst of men knows more of what goodness demands than the best man......

" Darlinia."

Does Shakespeare ever use the world " darling " when referring to a human being, or only , when, referring to the works of Nature ?—AN ENQUIRER, Stowmarket.......

A Pugnacious Little Bird.

When I lived in Ceylon a grey wagtail formed the habit of tapping at a window in my house, as described by your cor- respondent in the Spectator of December 9th. I regarded the......

Dumping Tin Cans.

I should like to add my protest to that of " A Sufferer " against the defilement of the countryside, by dumps of old tins and other rubbish by the roadside wherever there is a......