News Of The Week.
TEE crisis of the disorders in the North seems to have passed ; and, considering the wide spread of the disturbance, with less of mischief than might have been anticipated. The......
The Stories Of The Settlement Of The Boundary Question With
the United States begin to grow authentic. There is the common disposition to grumble which would have been exhibited whatever the result might have been ; and the cue now is,......
Varitamtntitrp Vaptirl.
THE EXCHEQUER BILLS FORGERY. THE Commissioners on the Exchequer Bills Forgery (the Earl of Devon, Mr. Robert Mitford, and Mr. Henry J. Stephen,) begin by accounting for the......
The Main Business Of The French Chambers Is All But
over. The alarming demonstrations of the Opposition have subsided ; the Ministers carried their President of the Deputies ; M. DE LAMAR- TINE ' S euphuistic address is voted ;......