20 AUGUST 1898, page 16

Rro Th. Editor Or The " Spicraros."] Sib,—perhaps Your...

have not heard the following. A woman was once heard to remark, "I am so glad I don't like cabbage, because if I did like it, I should eat so much of it s — and I do dislike it......

Pto The Editor Or The " Bezotator."] - Sir, - I Was Recently

attending a patient whose husband came to see me concerning her condition, and greeted me with the words : "Mr. Irving, do you think there is any need for any unnecessary......


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"] Sin,—Many years ago I dined at an English country inn with two otter " M.P.'s." For ostentation, I presume, we ordered a bottle of sherry. It......

(to The Editor Or The " Speciator.1 Sib,—perhaps You Will

allow me to make an addition to your correspondent's amusing list of "Bulls from Irish Pastures." The following, which was presented to a near relative of mine by an Irish......


THE COMING PEOPLE.* 'ars is a healthy and virile essay which the reader, especially if he should be in that stage when his mind is "on the make," will be thankful to Mr. Dole......

[to The Editor Or The " Spectator:1 Sib,—riding In An

omnibus up Regent Street last evening I heard an old lady annoying the other passengers by her remarks. The conductor remonstrated with her, saying- " Ma'm, remember you are in......