A History Of The Church Of St. Peter, Northampton. By
the Rev. R. M. Serjeantson. (W. Mark, Northampton.)—St. Peter's Church is a noticeable example of the finer class of English parish churches, and it has found a painstaking and......
The Herbs Of Medea. By Theophils, North. (e. Mathews. 2s.
6d. net.)—There is some very pretty writing in this book, not expended, we think, to tho very best effect, on the subjects which are dealt with. There is a slender thread of......
Quaint Talks About Long Walks. By A. N. Cooper. (a.
Brown and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Cooper, with whom we are glad to renew our acquaintance, tells us some of the incidents of eight long walks, the shortest of which covered two......
In The Series Of "favourite Classics" (w. Heinemann, 6d. Net
per vol.) we have four of the Shakespeare plays. These are Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night, and King Richard III. The books, with their excellent typography and......
Local Government Of Bengal. By Robert Carstairs....
5s. net.)—Mr. Carstairs, an old Indian Civil Servant, urges various improvements in the local government of Bengal. He begins his book by describing the caste system of......
Roman Literature. By Hermann Joachim. Translated. (j. Nc...
Co. ls. net.)—This, one of the "Temple Primers,'; gives an excellent sketch of its subject. We find little or nothing among the literary judgments with which we disagree ; while......
A Historical Geography Of The British Empire. By Hereford B.
George. (Methuen and Co. 3s. 6d.)—The "Introductory Part" of this book is as temperate and closely reasoned a defence of Imperial action as could be desired. That ambition and......
The Persian Gulf And The South Sea Islands. By Sir
E. C. Boehm, Bart. (Horace Cox. 6s.)—There can be no doubt that the photographs with which this book is illustrated are admirable. We could have spared, however, the......
In The Series Of" Orinda Booklets" (j. R. Tutin, Cottingham,
near Hull) we have A Song to David, by Christopher Smart (6d. net), with a chronological table of the poet's life—a melancholy record —notes, table of references, and......