Men And Machines
Men and machines Sir: It was, I suggest, a pity that Henry Fairlie ('America in space', 6 December) did not really go into orbit. Had he done so, he might have been less......
Dog Fighting
Dog fighting -- I Sir: Auberon Waugh's intemperate ripumt: (6 December) to Conor Cruise O'Brien's strictures on the press brings to mind the immortal words of Mandy Rice Davies,......
Small Voices
Small voices Sir: The Waugh-Ingrams diatribe against Dallas brings to mind Bernard Shaw's handling of the minority opinion on one of his plays. Responding to enthusiastic calls......
Schoenberg: Another View
Schoenberg: another view Sir: Every single word about Schoenberg, his music and his words in Daniel Johnson's letter (6 December) is factually wrong. His crucial year is 1945 -......
Benn's Move
Benn's move Sir: In Alexander Chancellor's Notebook (13 December) his points about the demotion of Merlyn Rees are valid except of course that it was not Mr Callaghan who......