The Miles Platting Case.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "1 Sin,—With no wish uselessly to prolong this correspondence, • or quibble about trifles, may I say a few further words ? I must, I think, be......
Letters To The Editor.
GREEK FEELING TOWARDS MR. GLADSTONE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SracrsTort."1 SIR,—I have recently returned from a visit to Greece, and should like to record what I have gathered of......
Sir E. Strachey On Ritualism.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Allow me to question the accuracy of the terms used by Sir Edward Strachey. He speaks of a " reconstitution " of the National Church as......
M. Renan.
T HERE is hardly so curious a study among the many curious autobiographical studies to be found in English literature, as that which M. Renan has recently given to the world in......
Consecrated Ground.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' you allow me, as a perplexed Nonconformist, to ask through your columns a question about "consecrated ground ?" What is the reason why in......
The Bordesley Patronage.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, Mr. Coker Adams has probably trusted to the "Clergy List" in his correction of my presumed error. There is, how- ever, no doubt that......