Codlin Menace
Codlin moths used to be accommodating and breed once a season, but not now, by all accounts. There is more than one wave of pests. The defence is spraying with lead arsenate or......
Country Life
BY IAN NIALL THERE comes a day in July when all the black- currants are ripe, the last of the gooseberries have been picked and even the mare's-tail torn out of the ground, and......
Birds At Night
'Until you wrote about bird notes in the night recently I had hugged my experience as unique, for I had great comfort of a phrase of song which came at about 4 a.m. night after......
By PHILIDOR No. 59. H. LAWTON (Sheffield) BLACK (13 men) WHITE (9 men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to last week's problem by Mansfield: R-......
New Novels
AT the beginning of his latest novel, The Secret River (Seeker and Warburg, I6s.), Mr. C. H. B. Kitchen reverts to the period of his first, Streamers Waving (1925). That early......
Honeysuckle Scent
On my way home I stopped at a gate and got down to open it so that I could bring the car through. Close at hand I saw a magnificent honeysuckle plant almost completely covering......