(to The Editor Of The "spectator.")
SIE,—Mr. Chamberlain proposes to say to the working man in effect this The extra cost of food which the new policy will exact from you shall be returned to you in old-age......
The New Protection.
[To THE EDITOR OP TEE" SPECTATOR.") SIE,-I thank you for publishing my letter in the Spectator of June 13th, and am sure you will allow me to reply as briefly 'as possible to......
Corn Duties And The Price Of Wheat. (to Tim Editor
OF THE -sexcrevoam Sin,—Mr. Chamberlain is on record this week as telling the Trade-Unionists:--"It will be impossible to secure preferential treatment with the Colonies without......
[to The Editor Of Tsb "speotatob.n Ste,—may A Mere Outsider
respectfully ask whether the "convinced Free-traders" are not mistaking the issue raised by Mr. Chamberlain P Surely the question is not whether we should or should not pay......