20 JUNE 1981, page 19

Bbc And Ira

Sir: Paul Johnson's preference for abuse rather than rational argument (13 June) makes it difficult, and probably pointless, to respond to his criticism of the BBC's coverage of......

Sabena's Price

Sir: following your Notebook item (13 June) about my plan to bring the EEC Commission before the European Court over high air fares, I must reassure your readers that not even......

Britain And Namibia

Sir: Were the other 19 journalists flown to Namibia by RTZ as 'bleary-eyed after a late night in the German Club' as was Geoffrey Wheatcroft when visiting the ROssing uranium......

No Research

Sir: It was nice to see a reassessment of Rosamond Lehmann by Gillian Tindall (6 June), but how curious that Miss Tindall should absolutely leave out any reference to all her......


Sir: I have read the Spectator for seven years. It is wittily written and intelligently provocative, in a manner that' puts it way ahead of its rivals among the weeklies. I......