The Co ration of Dublin presented a complimentary address to the Earl of F i g ton at Dublin Castle onlionday. In his answer the Lord- Lieutenant said he belioved.the abolition......
Some further reelections have taken place. Mr. Mowbray, the Judge Advocate, has been returned for Durham; Lovaine, a Lord of the Admiralty, for North Northumberland ; ad Lord......
Correspondence Between The French And English Governments.
No. 1.—Earl Cowley to the Earl of Clarendon. (Received February 24.) Paris, Feb.23, 1858. My Lord—Count Walewski is very desirous that I should express to your Lord- ship his......
Cht 3littropalto.
The Court of Aldermen have adopted a resolution ordering the Town- Clerk—" to make such inquiries as may be necessary to ascertain whether any member of this Court or of the......
Or Curt.
MB QUEEN, the Prince Consort, and the rest of the family, returned to Buckingham Palace from Osborne on Tuesday afternoon. On Wed- nesday her Majesty held a levee at St. James's......