20 MARCH 2004, page 44
Neither Short Nor Sharp Nor Shocking
Douglas Murray A BAEDEKER OF DECADENCE: CHARTING A LITERARY FASHION, 1884-1927 by George C. Schooitield Yale, £30, pp. 415, ISBN 0300047142 o be fair to him, George C.......
That Was The Week That Was
Charlotte Moore ONCE IN AUGUST LONG AGO by Liam Nolan Greylake Publications, £9.95, pp. 174, ISBN 0954386701 A utisin is in the air. Newspaper articles, television programmes......
Incident At Senepta
2 November 188 AD I never knew you, only your sad tragedy, little Epaphroditos. Eight years old, slave to the son-in-law of Leonides. I see you there, neglecting some dull......