"the Devil's Walk."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] fear that it is impossible for me to reply fully to Mr. Jesse Quail's contentions in last week's Spectator without going again over some part......
Sir Robert Herbert.
MO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.1 Sin,—May I add a few lines to the appreciation of Sir Robert Herbert in the Spectator of May 13th by " W. R. M.," under which initials I......
A Million Stamps.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I think I am able to throw some light on the " million- stamp " fallacy, or myth (see Spectator, May 13th). At least I can place the......
The Last Words Of Ollendorff.
Sin,—According to the well-known " French Grammar" of Messrs. Eve and de Bandies, it was neither 011endorff nor le Pere Bohours, nor even Vaugelas, who perpetrated the pedantic......