20 NOVEMBER 1886, page 2

The Committee Of The Mansion House Relief Fund Have...

their report upon the proceedings of the year. They raised last year, which was one of exceptional severity, a sum of £78,600, and expended it ; but they are not contented with......

Dr. Jex-blake, Who Has Succeeded In Restoring To Rugby Its

old prestige, besides equipping the school with costly and most valuable aids to health and education, is to be succeeded by Dr. Percival, the President of Trinity College,......

Yesterday Week, A Handsome Testimonial Was Presented To...

Arnold by two hundred and fifty-two teachers of the Westminster district, on his retirement from the inspectorship of Westminster, in recognition of " the happy relations which......

The Tories Of Brighton Have Refused To Vote For Mr.

Goschen as a Liberal, and he has declined to accept a nomination as the Liberal candidate. The difficulty is natural enough on both sides ; but the Tories ought to take a little......

The French Chamber Would Seem To Have Woke Up At

last to the condition of the national finances. The Finance Minister pro- posed to extinguish another portion of the Floating Debt by raising another loan, and to fill up the......

The Social Democratic Federation Is Resolved To Give...

has summoned all rough London to meet on Sunday in Trafalgar Square, and intends to send a deputation to Lord Salisbury, who is accused of being the author of part of the......

General Roberts Has Reached Mandelay, And Will At Once...

active operations. His plan, it is said, is to hold the river stations strongly, to send out light columns to suppress all armed resistance, to disarm the county thoroughly, and......

Lord Randolph Churchill On Thursday Received Deputations...

of London and the Metropolitan Board of Works, praying the Government to renew the Coal and Wine Duties, which produce £450,000 net a year, and expire shortly. With- out these......