Finance And Investment
By CUSTOS WHETHER or not there was any real justification for the whispering campaign against speculation in the stock markets, the mere hint of the possibility of official......
Vanishing Island. By Elisabeth Kyle. (peter Davies. 7s. 6d.)
THE best points of this story of a summer holiday in the West Coast of Scotland are the general background and the detailed descriptions of fishing, seals, boats, islands,......
The Raft And Socrates Asks Why. By Eric Linklater....
4s. 6d.) Two more conversations in the style of The Cornerstones. The first is carried on in mid-Atlantic by six survivors from a torpedoed ship: the conclusion they reach, that......
Further Pocket Cartoons. By Osbert Lancaster. (murray....
OSBERT LANCASTER is almost certainly the war's best cartoonist, and his latest book is well worth its modest 2s. 6d. We watch with delight the rebuke administered to the smug......