I Mentioned A Few Weeks A G O The Comin G Transformation Of
London's French daily paper France into a weekly. The chan g e is now in process of bein g made. With the issue of October 1 9 th the daily France disappears. On October z 7 th......
Any Friends Of The Lake District Are Friends Of _mine,
thou g h I wish they could do somethin g about the rain there. However, there is plenty else that they can do somethin g about, and they are doin g it both vi g ilantly and......
• A Spectator
'S NOTEBOOK S IR WALTER CITRINE was at great pains on Monday to insist that the decision of the Trades Union Con g ress to admit no journalist who is not a member of the......
My Para G Raph On En G Lishwomen In India Has, As Was To
be ex- pected, elicited various letters, both confirmin g the stfictures of the o ffi cer from whom I q uoted and putting - a directly opposite view. I specifically repudiated......
Sir Monta G Ue Barlow Was Not Sure Whether A Story He
told at the luncheon g iven him by the Town and Country Plannin g Associa- tion on Wednesday was a chestnut o r not. Nor am I. The story was of two Irishmen, brothers, who were......
Thou G H Not As A G Eneral Rule A Stron G Believer In
pomp and circumstance, I do stand for the maintenance of certain honoured and historic traditions. As a conse q uence I applaud unreservedly some observations the Cambridge......
I Am G Lad To See The Minister Of Food Advocatin G
better cooking in En g lish country inns. Not that all cookin g in such places . is bad ; it is often very g ood ; but as a rule it is sin g ularly unima g inative. That is e q......
The World And The Air
T HE White Paper on International Air Transport issued on Tuesday, combined with last week's full-dress discussion in the House of Lords on civil aviation, defines the policy of......