Who Needs Votes?
Sir: Your leading article (6 October) puts excessive emphasis on the need for Mr Gorbachev's `political legitimacy'. There is far more to democracy than political elec- tions,......
Letters Tribes And Nations
Sir: Andrew Kenny ('Trials and tribula- tions', 22 September) argues for the crea- tion of separate tribal states within South Africa. This would be an extremely diffi- cult if......
Get It Right
Sir: Mr Bowron, despite being a registered indexer, is wrong (Letters, 13 October): it is the indexer's duty to be as accurate as possible, and certainly not, as he seems to......
Television Angles
Sir: Ludovic Kennedy writes (Letters, 13 October) with all the usual arrogance that one expects from those who have been '30 years in the business'. Unfortunately, they forget......
Dissident Dates
Sir: The opening paragraph of my inter- view with Andrei Plesu (`On the high wire', 13 October) contained an inaccura- cy. The last well-known dissident other than Mr Plesu left......