20 SEPTEMBER 2008, page 71

A Fortnightly Column On Technology And The Web

Rory Sutherland I recently saw a photograph of a street vendor’s stall in Argentina. The menu reads simply Orange Juice $5. Jugo de Naranja $4. Here unsuspecting Anglophones are......

Q. For Her Wedding Present I Gave My 28-year-old Goddaughter

a cheque, about five times the value that I would give to a mere family friend. I have now received a note from her which reads, ‘Thank you for the generous present. I hope you......

Q. Close Friends Have Made A ‘sound Of Music’ Type

recording for their home answerphone. Their four small children take turns to trill out lines like ‘No! Our parents aren’t at home’ and ‘Please leave a mess-ess-age!’ The......

Q. May I Pass On A Tip To Readers? I

recently made two extremely nice new friends while waiting outside the Albert Hall for return tickets for the Proms. It strikes me as a wonderful way to tune into people on......