20 APRIL 1944, page 20


On the Danger Line. By Georges Simenon, translated by Stuar Gilbert. (Routledge. 8s. 6d.) The Pommy Cow. By Sarah Campion. (Peter Davies. 9s. 6d.) White Wool. By Naomi Jacob.......

Shorter Notices

The English Book of Light Verse. Chosen by Guy Boas. (Macmillan 7s. 6d.) THERE is much humorous verse in here that the reader will he glad to find in one volume—Shakepeare's......

The Odyssey Of A Cameraman

Desert Journey. By George Rodger. (The Cresset Press. I58.) MR. RODGER is a photographer and in this book he tells the story of a journey he undertook for Life, beginning with......