I Have Just Been Reading A Long Private Letter From
a young German whose mother was British. He paints an almost alarmingly sombre picture of certain aspects of life in Germany today not least of the alleged mistrust of the......
I Hope That The Coffers Of The National Trust Will
bulge as the result of Harold Nicolson's broadcast appeal last Sunday. The more one sees of what the Trust is doing and has done the more one deplores its inability to do more......
One Thing That Perpetually Perplexes Me In The Daily Press
is the almost universal conviction that the birth of a baby in a public conveyance is an abnormal event requiring to be specially chronicled. This, I respectfully submit, is......
Whether The Pinpricks Being Directed At Seretse Khama Now...
he has reached his own country are the result of instructions from Whitehall or result from local decisions I do not profess to know, but they strike me as petty and thoroughly......
A Spectator 's Notebook 66 He Defection Of Lords Reading
and Bennett of Rodd from the Liberal Party has no deep significance."—Manchester Guardian, April 17th, p. 6, col. 3. • " Lord Reading's break with the Liberals less than two......
There May Still Be Time, As The Finance Bill Goes
through the House, for the Chancellor to adopt a suggestion which reaches me from a highly reputable source. Let as many British bachelors as possible marry as many American......
As A Minor Motorist I Have, Of Course, Been Plunging
into abstruse calculations on the balance of gain and loss when the reduction in income-tax is set against the increase in the petrol tax. The result is reassuring. With my own......
Budgetary Bondage
T HE idea that the annual Budget should provide an out- standing opportunity for the free exercise of choice has fallen into disuse. This year, as last year and the year before,......