Letters World News
Sir: Fears of overpopulation, to which you refer in your editorial (The facts of life', 14 August), now loom so large in some peo- ple's minds that they lead to extraordinary......
Pass The Hat
Sir: Many people in the Church of England will share your reporter Damian Thomp- son's dismay at the losses incurred by the Church Commissioners. (`Many mortgaged mansions', 7......
Sir: Noel Malcolm (letters, 14 August) Cas- Tigates Sir...
Sherman for using infor- mation about Bosnia which is nearly 50 years out of date. But although wrongs done 50 years ago cannot excuse wrongs being done today, they do explain......
Sir: Taking history lessons from Sir Alfred Sherman (Letters, 7 August) is like receiv- ing instruction in morality from Beelzebub. Noel Malcolm would do well to pay no......
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